The Clouds of Jupiter Poster (2600x1636 .jpg) ▼ features Super Darius and UltraBox to promote the CD•ROM2 format. The original PCE was white, but later iterations of the console—such as the CoreGrafx pictured below—were dark gray in color.
SOARING: Note how the CD•ROM2+IFU+CoreGrafx hardware combination effortlessly cruises above the clouds of Jupiter…
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The same advertisement ran in four successive issues of Gekkan PCE (July, August, September, October), with only slight differences concerning the featured CD-ROM titles…
JULY 1990: Ultra Box. Super Darius.
AUGUST 1990: Ultra Box. Valis III.
SEPTEMBER 1990: Last Armageddon. Valis III.
OCTOBER 1990: Last Armageddon. Valis III.
The selection of games featured in this advertisement suggest that NEC was not simply playing to its strengths (Super Darius was a desirable arcade port in the very popular shoot-em-up genre; Valis III was a solid platformer with extensive cinema scenes to flesh out its story) but attempting to highlight unique entries in the CD•ROM2 library as well. UltraBox, for example, represented a new breed of software for video game consoles. Each installment of Ultra Box (six were released in total) offered an eclectic collection of exclusive mini-games, multi-media experiences, and a digital catalog of all licensed HuCARD/CD games. This catalog of games was updated with each subsequent release.
Last Armageddon was originally released for PC-88 and MSX computers, but later ported to many platforms. Hiroharu Hayama composed the soundtrack.
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