I am not going to explain why Gomola Speed is the best PC-Engine HuCARD you have never played; it simply is. Screenshots do not do this game justice. Videos do not do this game justice. Take one part Qix, add two parts of Snake (aka Worm), throw in some Gauntlet (navigating mazes, using keys to unlock doors) and, last by certainly not least, add a liberal dash of Bomberman (multiple-bomb mayhem, cute bosses). That, my friends, is the wacky world of Gomola Speed!
The controls are tight, the music is gorgeous, the action keeps things hectic, progress requires a satisfying blend of reflexes + strategy--honestly, why aren't you playing this game? "Too busy," you say? Comrades, no more excuses. Do not bring further shame upon your family; it is time to play Gomola Speed. At the very least, it is time to listen to Gomola Speed's soundtrack whilst weeding the lawn. I do. [Note: Here is a taste of Gomola Speed's superb music—and a glimpse of its gameplay-- courtesy the PCE Software Bible.]
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DIRECTIONS: Press and hold your finger on any image (320x480 is best). A menu will appear with the option to "Save Image". Next, open the PHOTOS application and look in the "Camera Roll" (iPhone) or "Saved Photos" (iPod) folder to find the image you just saved. On the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, tap the icon on the far-left and select "Use As Wallpaper". Done.
At times, it seems that my raison d'etre is to proselytize on behalf of the unloved, misunderstood, underappreciated games like Gomola Speed, Timeball (Blodia), Somer Assault (Mesopotamia), Wonderboy III: Monster Lair, etc.
Why so little love for these games? Is it because they cannot be categorized neatly into a single genre? Or is it because they simply aren't very good games? Perhaps. Another game I dig (Somer Assault, aka Mesopotamia) also falls into this realm of bizarre hybrid action-puzzle games, a genre that has the potential to attract many, but seems to scare folks away.
When I made this wallpaper, The weather outside was, in a word, frightful. I commonly use the phrase "ice-cold death" to describe the weather we were having, and I was really looking forward to a less brutal Spring. The fact that I was looking forward to springtime is apparent in the finished wallpaper--see how cheerful the wallpaper is! Bathe your eardrums in the warm, soothing soundtrack as you are cleaning, pruning, planting, fertilizing, aerating, weeding, etc. this Spring.
I am grateful that the publisher decided to reproduce the cover artwork, sans text and logos, within the instruction manual itself. Rarely is source material readily available; I knew I would have to put it to good use.
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